There are some amazing mysteries in our universe. Crop circles. Ghosts. Atlantis. Aliens. How the hell Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt can afford a $12 million home. And they are all equally unexplainable. Heidi and Spencer – easily the most loathed couple in the U.S. – have been house hunting. And apparently it’s not just for publicity and cheesy photo ops – their realtor confirms that they’re serious buyers and can afford a home they’ve been eyeing in the $12 million range.
We live in a world where Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt can afford to buy a $12 million beach home in Malibu.
We didn't believe it when we saw the video of the couple we love to hate as they went house shopping yesterday in the Bu. They looked at two homes: the aforementioned $12 mil beach house (also for rent for $90k a month) and a 10,000 sq. ft. estate with an asking price of more than $15 mil.
So we thought it was a big publicity stunt, until we called the realtor who showed the property. Sandro Dazzan says they're "serious buyers," although he doesn't think they'll pull the trigger right away. Dazzan stunned us when he said they can afford the $12 million beach house right now, but that they're "at least six months" out from being able to afford the bigger house.
[From TMZ]
This information makes me physically ill. Indescribably so. We are undergoing a serious housing crisis, where all sorts of hardworking people are losing their homes. Even some relatively wealthy people are experiencing foreclosures. And yet Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt can afford to drop $12 million. It just makes me utterly nauseous.
It does make sense that they’ve got a lot of cash stored up. Spencer Pratt is constantly demanding that people give him luxury goods and services for free. To be fair, he’s normally turned down (and generally laughed at along the way). But I assume that if he demands a hundred people give him something for free, 2 or 3 probably will, and that can add up. And he’s egotistical enough to go for it. Great example: Heidi and Spencer’s proposed trip to Iraq, courtesy of Senator John McCain.
The McCain camp isn’t confirming or denying that they’re helping “Hills” hellions Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt arrange a trip to Iraq, but there's a new twist in the plan that has yet to be addressed.
Sources close to the couple say that Pratt is insisting, per usual, that they receive comped first-class plane tickets overseas.
"Spencer doesn't fly coach. Not even for short flights," says the source. "He isn't going to go overseas in coach, and definitely not on his own dime."
[From MSNBC’s The Scoop]
Heaven forbid someone as pristine as Spencer Pratt ever fly coach. There are few qualities as loathsome as a wealthy person who’s cheap. But I guess that’s where Heidi and Spencer are at. To be fair, it must have paid off, because I doubt anyone thought they’d be able to afford a $12 million home, yet here they are.
Here are Heidi Montag and Spenser Pratt walking along Melrose Place looking at boutiques on July 16th. Images thanks to WENN.
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