Paris Hilton continues on her never ending quest to appear to have depth. Unfortunately when you're as shallow as Paris, there's not much to work with. Remember her planned trip to Africa to feed starving orphans (or some such cliché)? Well that didn't exactly pan out you know because it was hard but luckily Paris has stumbled upon the next best way to look deep. She's teamed up with a fake guru to wander the streets of L.A., holding metaphysical books and looking pained. Oh Paris, you're so unique.
Always one to take the road less traveled Paris Hilton has stepped out with the latest fashion must-have - her very own Buddhist monk, complete with flowing orange robes and a mane of grey hair. The bizarre duo were spotted wandering around LA, taking time to pop into a spiritual book shop and a luxury hotel.
The 27-year-old went for and understated look, with a demure white outfit as she browsed the shelves of the Bodhi Tree bookstore. The hotel-heiress has been attempting change her party-girl image and it looks as if the ageing monk is giving her a helping hand.
Paris and her "guru" sat down to read a book called "The Path to the Painted Shaman" and the Hollywood celebrity appeared to be listening intently to what he had to say. The monk also persuaded Paris to give away a piece of diamond jewelery as they wandered the streets together.
[From the Daily Mail]
I'm sure it was just good quality cubic zirconia. I doubt Paris Hilton would give away diamonds for anything – though I'd really like to know who she supposedly gave them to. Was it a street person, or just some random passerby? Did the person ask for it, or was the guru bringing it up at random? The best part is that the guru isn't a guru at all – he's an actor.
So you didn't think Paris Hilton was phony enough? Her "Guru" that has supposedly changed her life is actually a Hollywood actor. His name is Maxie Santillan. He's starred in tons of films and TV shows including "My Name is Earl" and "Pirates of the Caribbean." According to IMDB, Maxie's latest projects are all in "post production" so clearly he has enough free time to whore it up for Paris.
BTW, Maxie's MySpace profile quote makes it clear -- he's the perfect spiritual guide for Paris. It reads, "Burbank can kiss my a**."
[From TMZ]
There's no way to ascertain whether Paris knows Santillan is an actor or if she thinks he's really a monk. I really really really hope this is for an upcoming episode of Punk'd or something. Which I don't think is even on anymore, but if there was anyone who deserves to be Punk'd, it's definitely Paris. She'd laugh like she was in on it the whole time, but only because she has no idea what's going on, and in that type of situation it's always best to laugh.
Paris is shown out with her "Shaman" on 3/1/08. She is also shown in 944 Magazine. If I had a dollar for every time a guru told me to dress like that
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