Pink has always been pretty outgoing when it comes to speaking her mind. So it’s really no surprise that she’s not afraid to say exactly what she thinks about vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Pink – who’s a vegetarian – says all creatures great and small should be afraid of Palin. And she takes on the potential VP’s unwavering stance on abortion, saying Palin “hates women” and isn’t “of this time.”
"If I were writing a letter to Sarah Palin," Pink told PopEater during her Sessions taping on Thursday, "it would be a lot of whys and hows. Who are you? Do you know? Why do you hate animals? Please point out Iraq on a map "
What scares Pink are women who consider the Alaska governor's selection a feminist victory. "This woman hates women," the singer said. "She is not a feminist. She is not the woman that's going to come behind Hillary Clinton and do anything that Hillary Clinton would've been capable of I can't imagine overturning Roe vs. Wade. She's not of this time. The woman terrifies me."
Pink, an animal rights activist, suggests creatures other than humans should be just as scared of Palin: "I can't imagine shooting a wolf out of a helicopter."
[From PopEater]
Even Cindy McCain admitted that she doesn’t share Palin’s extreme views on abortion. McCain believes women should have the right to an abortion if they’re raped or the victim of incest. And the fact that Sarah Palin doesn’t makes me wholeheartedly agree with Pink.
Here’s arriving at a recording studio in Beverly Hills on Thursday. Images thanks to Fame.
Posted in Pink, Politics, Sarah Palin
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September 13th, 2008 at 6:42 am
oh wow, Pink has an opinion and you agree with her. Big whoop. Honestly, do you think I will stop and think, wait, what does a GOSSIP site tell me before I throw that lever in November?
Sorry, did you know Republicans and Independents read your site?
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September 13th, 2008 at 6:54 am
Oh, geez SHUT UP! Listen to yourself, this IS A CELEBRITY GOSSIP SITE, never intended to influence your vote. You don't even make sense in your own comment, ffs!
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September 13th, 2008 at 8:02 am
Pink is absolutely right. Palin doesn't recognize that my body belongs to me -- she is one scary person who happens to have a vagina.
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September 13th, 2008 at 8:19 am
@ Rebecca: Hon? Could you justSTFU?! If you must foam at the mouth, do it somewhere ELSE.
That said, I agree that Palin has no business with a vagina; obviously she has never been raped or experienced incest. If she had, she would understand that even though babies are a blessing, a baby brought to term (as a result of incest) is cruel because of the possible birth defects, not to mention a daily reminder of the pain, anger, humiliation, etc.
I saw yesterday that the McCain/Palin ticket was ahead in the polls; this scares the sh*t out of me.
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September 13th, 2008 at 9:25 am
Iam a democrat who supported Hillary cause i believed she was the best candidate and not cause she is a woman.Unfortunately the press wanted a Black President and have promoted him endlesly and again our party is suffering from a supposed populist choice while our candidate seems only words and quite empty while he doesnt have much respect on women,he didnt respected Hillary and he doesnt respect Palin.Being a woman though iam angry to witness sexist attacks on a woman,who by all accounts have managed quite well in her life.Havent seen in my adult years such vicious attacks on a candidate.So now iam voting for her just and because she is a woman.Go Palin.
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September 13th, 2008 at 10:07 am
Wow, voting for Palin 'because she's a woman'. How f*ked up is that? Frightening.
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September 13th, 2008 at 10:22 am
Becca.. Sweety its early, how about a steaming cup of STFU. I cant fathom you having a vagina and wanting Palin in office but if it floats your wolf shooting boat.
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September 13th, 2008 at 10:31 am
Palin's compassion for living things:
This makes me feel better for Pink. If she's this grounded and clear-sighted about the absurdity that is Palin, then she's unlikely to be sucked into the other absurdity that is the CoS.
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September 13th, 2008 at 10:47 am
So, tell me Kate - if you're voting for Palin because she's a woman, does that mean you're not voting for McCain because he's a man?
I thought that in the US general election, you voted for the President with the VP as a package deal - you couldn't choose to vote for a Democrat for the presidency and a Republican as VP, as you have the "First-Past-the-Post" system as opposed to the Proportional Representation system.
Unless of course you're one of the College of Electors
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September 13th, 2008 at 10:50 am
Poor baby Palin being attacked, just cause she is a woman. Boo-Hoo She needs to take the lumps, like the big boy candidates, and stop hiding. If she is a big strong independent woman, she needs to tell her handlers to back off, stop yelling sexism, and answer questions. Hillary would never allow herself to be treated this way, she is a lion who always takes charge. So the idiot who said she was voting for Palin just because she is a woman, must like scared rabbits.
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September 13th, 2008 at 11:17 am
As i said since the populist press have decided on a black President just because of his color and the lamps followed,someone who comes from a very corrupted backround in Chicago,the backround that supported him there,and since Hillary was robbed by her own party,iam voting for a woman.Yeah.As much bad as she is,she cant be worst that all these great men that have leaded the country to the state that it is now.
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September 13th, 2008 at 11:19 am
I am amazed at how many women are voting the McCain-Palin ticket just because they want to see a woman "one heartbeat away from the Presidency." Do they not realize this woman is one of the most uber-conservative of the Republicans? She is against abortion IN ALL CASES, and I would daresay she would be hard-pressed to even approve of abortion if the woman will die otherwise. She also is pro-gun, enjoys hunting (where's PETA in all this?), and anti-sex education. Oh, oh, and of course she's good at covering up her tracks over what she did as mayor and govenor. For four years Palin claimed to be "unaware" that women were being charged for rape kits (the kits used to collect evidence) and the state had to step in to stop that. Yeah, she's a real supporter for women. She's also brilliant at foreign policy, saying if Russia doesn't smarten up the USA will wage war on Russia. Oh joy. Well, it is going to be really interesting come 12:00am November 3, 2008.
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September 13th, 2008 at 11:19 am
And something else.The reps wont win the election.We are the ones who will lose them.And from what i see lately,Obama is the one who is running scared.Supported by all these mega stars who have behind them millions and millions and they think they are relevant with the Midle Class American.
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September 13th, 2008 at 11:25 am
I clicked into this link with the thought of "oh no, not another celebrity weighing in on Palin, how dumb" -- but then I read what Jaybird wrote and what Pink said and am glad I did. Honestly, Pink makes a lot of sense. I'm a liberal and am not sure who I will be voting for yet, but this Palin chick is starting to scare me. In fact, she scares me more than Bush did 4 years ago (I know Bush was in the office 8 years, but I KNEW he was going to win (again) 4 years ago and I feared for all of us).
Just like I knew Bush was going to win, I am also concerned that women would vote for McCain just because Palin is a woman. I'm shocked that that's the only justification some folks use for putting another potential wack job into office. McCain has sort of grown on me, but I fear his policies. Barack scares me also but it's his limited experience and poor decision making skills that bother me (he should have taken Hilary).
Anyway, I'll circle back and say that Pink's comment has been the only celebrity comment I have respected so far - not sure why, but it just seemed to hit home.
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September 13th, 2008 at 11:31 am
Well, DLR, I dare say there are plenty of women out there who are anti-abortion, pro-life or whatever spin you'd like to put on it.
Kate, you still don't seem to get the oxymoron in your position, I'm not expert on American politics, but you're not voting for a woman, you're still voting for a man with a female VP. Therein lies the rub.
I also think you're wrong about Hillary - it's not that the media or anybody else wanted a black president, it's that they didn't want Hillary full stop. Obama just happened to be more charismatic and had a less contentious background. And this is from someone who does admire her (except her "It Takes a Village" nonsense, I'm totally with PJ O'Rourke on that one)
I firmly believe that the whole "just a hockey mom nonsense" from the Palin camp is because Palin remembers what happened to Hillary back in '93 when she was actively campaigning for health reforms (I think) that she wasn't a mom "just staying home and baking cookies", which annoyed the 'typical mid-western family" with traditional values.
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September 13th, 2008 at 11:37 am
And something else.The reps wont win the election.We are the ones who will lose them.And from what i see lately,Obama is the one who is running scared.Supported by all these mega stars who have behind them millions and millions and they think they are relevant with the Midle Class American
you know what though Kate, I do think you've hit the nail on the head there. I do think that McCain could win, because the US in in a financially trying time surrounded by political upheaval and in that situation people want change - just not too much.
I've heard political commentators on this side of the Atlantic saying that, barring a huge catastrophe like 9/11, that it'll wind up being a single term for either side. I don't think they're wrong. Which is actually a great thing for Hillary. If McCain gets through everyone will say if the party selected Hillary they'd have won.
If Obama gets through and loses the second term this will give Hillary an excellent opportunity as it's unlikely that Biden would get the vote on his own.
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September 13th, 2008 at 12:15 pm
i don't like that anyone should vote because of a historical moment - ie. palin for women or obama for blacks. to voye for that reason and not due to issues is very - well, it is dumb.
that being said i think it's funny when celebs get all worked up and gush about how scared they are not that elections can't be scary, just like when matt damon went on and on about being scared of this woman and all i could think was - wait jason bourne you can't be scared of this tiny woman or even a whole government - you are jason effin BOURNE!
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September 13th, 2008 at 12:50 pm
Not bringing my persnal views on either subject to the fore, I do not understand how you can be a vegetarian or vegan (if it is due to the cruelty to animals aspect of it) AND be "pro-choice". To me, the two stances are incompatible with each other.
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September 13th, 2008 at 12:57 pm
@fancyamazor: to be a vegan or vegetarian is to make a personal decision about what food to put in your own body. Pro-choice means that you support the right of women to make their own decisions regarding contraception or pregnancy (mode of contraception, whether keeping the baby, adoption or termination), regardless of whether or not one would make a different choice for themselves.
Unfortunately some people from both points of view tend to enforce their beliefs on others which is wrong.
And all too often, pro-choice is confused with pro-life and they aren't the same thing at all.
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September 13th, 2008 at 1:05 pm
Jaybird, I would not have taken the same stance as you did on this article, but I hear where you're coming from. I probably would have agreed with you 10 years ago. There are people who are so committed to "life" of humans, only humans, so much that they are blind to all scenarios that may be a necessary exception. I would not say Sarah Palin hates women, I would say she has blinders on if she can't see exceptions to her very narrow views on abortion. It seems so reductionist and harsh to say she hates women. Her unwavering viewpoint makes me question her ability to be an effective VP because she would work with McCain, who also opposes reproductive rights, to curtail women's rights. It also shows that she's not open to considering different scenarios which challenge her world views, and we've seen what happens when someone is so stubborn they insist on having their way with the law. Does she hate women? You could see it that way, but it's vastly oversimplifying it. And Pink is not doing anyone any favors by being so outspoken and obnoxious in the way she states it.
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September 13th, 2008 at 1:14 pm
Hey, celebrities are voters too. Just because someone points a camera at them, asks them about politics and then broadcasts their opinions for all to see doesn't make those opinions any less valid. Besides, I don't hear Pink up there saying, "And all my fans better vote Obama 'cause I said so!!" She's merely expressing her opinion because she was asked.
I will never understand people who come to gossip sites during an election and bitch about celebrities voicing their opinions. WTF did you think you were gonna find when you got here, Rebecca et. al.?
Also, Kate? If you're not voting for a candidate based on whether their ideologies align with your own, then why bother showing up? Why would you vote for a candidate because of his or her gender? Or race, for that matter? Please, for all our sakes, just stay home on Election Day. I beg you.
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September 13th, 2008 at 1:26 pm
Abortion should be a state issue and not federal. that said, Palin is the best thing that has happened to the GOP ticket in years.
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September 13th, 2008 at 1:45 pm
As a woman, I am ashamed that someone would vote for someone simply because that person is a woman. It's blatantly sexist. Please America, use your brains for a change and vote for the person (male, female, black, white)that represents your interests and intent for this country.
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September 13th, 2008 at 1:51 pm
kate, that is really stupid to vote for someone because of their gender. I certainly would not vote for Obama on the sole fact that he has a penis. Remember when you are voting for Palin, you're voting for McCain as Pres and is that with the hopes that he dies in office so we end up with this June Cleaver pitbull with lipstick Wasilla white-trash?
Pink, AMEN SISTER, I agree with you 100%.
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September 13th, 2008 at 1:53 pm
I don't see how it being a state issue would be of any practical use, since women in states where abortion is illegal would just travel to states (or out of the country) where it isn't a criminal offense, no?
It's a can of worms indeed, this issue, and to my mind, nothing to be half-assed about (I'm not saying anyone here is being half-assed so don't get me wrong). How is it justifiable to give women in one state the right of the option of choice and yet deny women in other states? We're not talking the legal driving age or helmet laws here, we are talking about a woman's fundamental right to reproductive freedom, you know?
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September 13th, 2008 at 2:36 pm
I also dont like the fact that some people consider isolated places of the Us as not part of the Us or not capable of having great US citizen.So Alaska or Wasila is not US?Hillary was the best candidate.After her i only like Palin,so iam voting for her.And yes iam angry at the attacks she has endured just because she is a woman.So iam voting for her.Iam also a commited Christian and at the same time i believe a woman has a right to choose an abortion and i accept gay people and they have a right to live freely and equaly with everybody with the same rights.
Is it so bad to believe in God?
Its also natural that we will sin and make mistakes too.Its another thing to believe and have ethics and another circumstances ,life or nature and choices to lead you elsewhere.
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September 13th, 2008 at 2:41 pm
As a woman I'm voting NOT for a woman because she's a woman, but for the best candidate. The McCain/Palin tickets is surely not it. I'm voting for Obama and it has nothing to do with the color of his skin, it has to do with the choices available to me. I truly believe that if Palin gets into office it'll be bad news for women everywhere.
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September 13th, 2008 at 2:44 pm
quoting Kate: "Iam a democrat who supported Hillary cause i believed she was the best candidate and not cause she is a woman. Unfortunately the press wanted a Black President and have promoted him endlesly and again our party is suffering from a supposed populist choice while our candidate seems only words and quite empty while he doesnt have much respect on women,he didnt respected Hillary and he doesnt respect Palin.Being a woman though iam angry to witness sexist attacks on a woman,who by all accounts have managed quite well in her life.Havent seen in my adult years such vicious attacks on a candidate.So now iam voting for her just and because she is a woman.Go Palin."
*Really?* You supported Hillary not because she was a woman. And now you are supporting Palin because she is a woman. Isn't that a contradiction? And where's your evidence that Obama doesn't "respect on women" and "didn't respected Hillary"? Oh, and McCain does?
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September 13th, 2008 at 2:55 pm
"Kate" has a European IP address and a European e-mail address. Chances are high he/she is not a US citizen and doesn't have the right to vote. Some people like to cause trouble to amuse themselves and the best thing to do is ignore them.
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September 13th, 2008 at 2:56 pm
Day 6 in a row of at least one Sarah Palin bash on by the writer.
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September 13th, 2008 at 2:56 pm
Holy crap, kate. She's not getting attacked because she's a woman. She's getting attacked because she's a lost-in-the-f*king-dark-ages buffoon.
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September 13th, 2008 at 3:02 pm
CNN showed footage of those helicopter rides Alaskans take to shoot wolves. It was disgusting. And I'm usually on board with thinking that the animal rights people needing to get a life - but Pink has a legit point.
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September 13th, 2008 at 3:07 pm
I am glad that Pink is being vocal about her thoughts on Palin. If even 1 person, says whoa, I hadn't heard that, and looks up the facts, then thats a great thing.
Further, Palin is absolutely disgusting. While I do not feel like abortion is a choice that could ever be appropriate for me, I would never ever take that decision away from other women. If women can not have abortions legally, and they are desperate, depressed and frightened, they will have them illegally, then where have we got? Chances are in an illegal abortion the woman will die, injure herself, or become very ill. I also believe that to make abortion illegal will increase the amount of suicides we see.
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September 13th, 2008 at 3:10 pm
@ Kate, Here is to hoping your candidate helps you learn English, oui?
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September 13th, 2008 at 3:23 pm
CB and Mme: I think you're being a little harsh on Kate with respect to her last vote. There are a lot of US citizens living and working overseas who can vote - the American Citizens Abroad. There are tons of them in Canada and I would suspect that goes for Europe and anywhere else in the world. The IP and e-mail address are not proof of the citizenship someone holds. Just saying!
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September 13th, 2008 at 3:31 pm
How profound. I'm going to pay attention to how PINK feels. Stick to the music Pink. Maybe you should get together with Russell whats-his-name-Brand. Now theres a MAN. NOT!
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September 13th, 2008 at 3:40 pm
Palin makes me ill. She's an animal-hating, anti-woman religious crusader who thinks anything she does is right because she has God personally cheering for her. She steps on everyone in her path to get ahead (be they other women, or true Christians who care for the good of others.)
She's an uneducated, small-minded, lying flat earth moron.
And McCain - he's been lying repeatedly, blatantly, even in the face of reporters armed with hard facts - most egregiously since the RNC convention.
As far as abortionthat one hits home because while I could not imagine having one now - I'm very happily pregnant with our first baby - when I was 17, I was attacked and raped by a complete stranger. I was so terrifid I was pregnant (I wasn't thank goodness) and also thought for years I might have HIV (the rape happened when we were on a family vacation in England.) I was so traumatized I never got help, never got tested, was just an emotional disaster for years. Almost died from anorexia, I just stopped eaing after the rape. If I had gotten pregnant, and if abortion had been illegalit would have just been a disaster. Raising a baby, as a teenager, from the man who assaulted me, took my virginity and ruined years of my life?
FU Sarah Palin for wanting to take my rights as a woman away.
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